Beyerlein,Tom“Death penalty not efficient, police chiefs say”, Dayton Daily News, 20-October2009, web, 2-Februay 2012
ADayton Daily News article that discusses the results of a nationwide survey of police chiefs,
The survey determined that the majority of police chiefs do not believe that the death penalty has a deterrent effecton violent crime.
Brooks,Jon,“Mark Klaas, Father of Murder Victim Polly Klaas, Speaks in Support of DeathPenalty”, KQED News, 12-January 2012, web, 2-February 2012
This article is an interview with Mark Klaas whose daughter was abducted and murdered in 1995. Thesuspect in the case was convicted and sentenced to death.
“CapitalPunishment, 2010 –Statistical Tables”, Bureau of Justice Statistics, n/d, web,19 February 2012
This is a statistical table that shows the Department of Justice statistics of prisoners on death row in 2010. The statistics are broken down by state and federal inmates, race, sex etc.
CNN,“Is blood spatter evidence junk science?”,, CNN, 21 December 2011, web,22 January 2012
This CNN news highlights the story of Warren Horineck, Warren was convicted for a murder that no one in local law enforcement believes was a murder. All of the evidence indicates that the death of Warren’s wife was a suicide.
Grissom,Brandi, “Dogs' Evidence Stands as Woman Waits in Prison”, The Texas Tribune, 12-24-2011,web, 1-23-2012
This is the story of three members of the Winfrey family who were all charged with murder based on no physical evidence. Richard Winfrey Sr. and Megan Winfrey went to trial with court appointed attorneys and were convicted; Richard Winfrey Jr. paid for a defense and was acquitted.
“InnocenceList”,, web, 22 January 2012
The Innocence List high lights 140 former death row inmates who have been proven innocent.
“Murderby State, Types of Weapons, 2010”, web, n/d, 19 February 2012
These statistics demonstrate murder rates on a state by state basis. They also show the type of weapons used.
NAS,“Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward”, National Academy of Science, 2009, web 1-21-2012
A National Academy ofScience report indicates that much of the science that we commonly believe isconclusive proof of guilt is not as reliable as we think it is.
Krone,Ray“Ray Krone- Stories of the Exonerated”,, Witness toInnocence, 17 July 2011, web, 21 January 2012
The story of one manwho found himself on death row despite being innocent: Ray Kroone was convictedof a murder and sexual assault that he did not commit.
Perina,Alexandra,The False Confession,, 1 March 2003, web, 19 February2012
This article takes alook at the causes of false confessions and how the police may unintentionallycause false memories or coerce a confession from an innocent person.
Samuals,Ray,“Capital Punishment is a costly mistake”,, 12-December 2008,web, 2-February 2012
Former police officerRay Samuels speaks out about the danger of wrongful convictions and the deathpenalty. He discusses the fact that police are only human and sometimes makemistakes.
Santos,Fernanda, “Evidence From Bite Marks, It Turns Out, Is Not So Elementary”, TheNew York Times, 28- January 2007, web 2 February 2012
This New York Timesarticle question the reliability of bite mark evidence and why it is still useddespite a study that found an error rate of over 60%.
“Shouldthe death penalty be banned as a form of punishment?”,,n/d, web,
27January, 2012
A pro/con debate sitethat posted the debate over the death penalty, on the pro side it stated thatforensic science and DNA have virtually eliminated the risk of wrongfulconviction and the possibility of an innocent person being put to death.
Stamper,Norm, “A Former Cop Speaks Out Against the Death Penalty”,, 17November 2007, web, 19 February 2012
This article waswritten by 34 year police veteran Norm Stamper who is an active opponent of thedeath penalty. He points out the high cost and ineffective deterrent effect ofthe death penalty. He points out better ways to use the resources to preventviolent crime.
Velasco,Eric, “Father of 1995 Oklahoma City bombing victim shares his path toanti-death penalty advocate”,, 12 January 2012, web, 19 February 2012
An interview with BudWelch who lost his daughter in the Oklahoma bombing: Bud talks about the lossof his daughter led him to first want nothing less than retribution to becomingone of America’s leading death penalty opponents.
“Victim'sStepmother Speaks After Execution”, ABC, 13 December 2005, web, 19 February2012
Lora Owens speaks toreporters shortly after the execution of Stanley “Tookie” Williams. Shedescribes the experience of watching the execution as “very difficult” andseems willing to forgive Williams.
Wells,Gary,Mistaken Eyewitness Identification and False Confidence: The Creation ofDistorted Retrospective Judgment,, 18 February 2011, web, 15February 2012
An in depth look intothe cause of mistaken eye witness identification. Professor Wells explains thepsychology that can lead a witness to positively identify the wrong person. Iam using this lecture to demonstrate that even eyewitness identification is not100% reliable and is often the cause of an innocent person being convicted.