Sunday, September 11, 2011

911: Tolerence May be Our Greatesr Revenge

There are those who would have us believe that all Muslims are the enemy. Is it possible that our greatest revenge for 911 will be to dispel this myth and have Christians and Muslims living together at piece in America?

For many of us our since of security was shattered on 911 as we watched the most horrific attack on American soil being carried out, not by a foreign superpower but rather a relatively small yet dangerous group of extremist. Prior to 911 many of us were completely unaware of Al Qaeda and the threat they posed to the safety and security of America. We felt quite safe standing on American soil, after all, it was simply inconceivable that anyone would dare attack the most powerful country in the world.

As we watched the towers fall we all became painfully aware of Al Qaeda and the threat they posed. Shock and disbelief soon gave way to outrage and the reality that America was now at war. In what may have been a shining moment for then president George Bush he drew a clear distinction between Islam and Islamic extremist, there would be no mass roundup or internment camps for Muslims living in America and attacks on innocent Muslims would not be tolerated. They are American citizens and therefore had been attacked just as we all had been attacked. As the planes hit the Twin Towers there were no Christians or Muslims, no black or white, American citizens or foreign nationals, among those who died, they were all victims.


Since 911 there have been those who have refused to accept the fact that this is not a war between Christians and Muslims but rather a war between America and the extremist. Those who pour out a message of hate and attempt to convince us that all Muslims are our enemy are in fact giving Bin Laden and his followers exactly what they wanted. Such rhetoric only serves to fuel the fires of suspicion, hatred and potential violence resulting in an endless cycle of conflict thereby ensuring that Al Qaeda’s ultimate goal is realized.

As individuals we have little if any control over global political and social issues but we each have the capability to help deprive the extremist of achieving their goals simply by treating each other with kindness and respect. On this tragic anniversary there are no Christians or Muslims, no black or white, no citizens or foreign nationals among those who lost friends and family on 911, there are only those who grieve. I can think of no better way to honor the dead than by promoting peace among those who live.

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