Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Great Wall Of Jerusalem, 3700 year old wall discovered

On the slope of the Silwan Valley archeologist have made an an amazing discovery, a 26 foot high, 79 foot long section of a wall built from giant boulders weighing as much as 4-5 tons each. The wall is believed to date back 3700 years.

Archeologist have been digging at this site since 1995, they are amazed by this discovery not only because of the discovery itself but the fact that the ancient Canaanites (believed to have built the wall) could have accomplished such a feat.

The excavation’s director, Ronny Reich, said:

“To build straight walls up 8 meters…I don’t know how to do it today without mechanical equipment, I don’t think that any engineer today without electrical power could do it,”.

The wall is believed to have been built to help protect a natural spring that supplied water to the people of Jerusalem. It is also believed that the wall could have been connected to a fortress that possibly stood at the top of the hill.

Archeologist say that this discovery could be the tip of the ice burg and plan to continue their work at the site.


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